Structural Analysis of Monuments & Historical Constructions (SAHC)

Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments & Historical Constructions

The Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments & Historical Constructions (SAHC), coordinated by Universidade do Minho and with the cooperation of UPC BarcelonaTech, provides advanced engineering training in the conservation of historical architectural structures. The course is taught by experts in the fields of architecture, engineering, geophysics, chemistry and history and aims to provide a multidisciplinary understanding of the field of structural conservation.

Academic year starts in Fall semester (Q1): September
Spring semester (Q2): February
Duration 1 year
Study load 60 ECTS (including the Master's Final Thesis)
Delivery On-campus:
Language English
Places 25
Official degree Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments & Historical Constructions by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain), Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Republic); Universidade do Minho (Portugal) & Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) (recorded in the Spanish Ministry of Education's degree register)

More information about fees and payment options

More information about grants and loans

Participating universities
Academic coordinator Pere Roca
Web University coordinator website

Specific admission requirements

Students coming from the following degrees may apply to the Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions:

  • Degrees in the field of Civil Engineering
  • Degrees in the field of Industrial Engineering
  • Degrees in the field of Architecture
  • Other degrees

    Should the applicant have another degree different from the listed above, the Academic Commission will analyse the academic records so as to determine their potential access to the master's program and, for each case, the additional training needed.

Above all, applicants must have a good academic record in Civil Engineering or equivalent. Architects planning to apply to this master's program must have solid knowledge on structures. Generally, prospect students should have a 4 to 5-year higher education degree in the field of Engineering or Architecture.

ATTENTION: To apply for the University of Padua (Italy) applicants must already have a master's degree.

The teaching language, as well as that of the exams is English. All course materials and counselling is also in English.

Therefore, students from non English-speaking countries must have one of the following certificates:

  • Paper Based TOEFL (minimum score: 525)
  • Internet Based TOEFL ((minimum score: 72)
  • IELTS Academic (minimum score: 6.5)
  • Other English-language proficiency certificates

Applications that do not include proof of English-language proficiency in time for pre-enrolment, will still be considered. In this case, applicants will be encouraged to present the certificate as soon as possible.

Applicants are also encouraged to take a course in the language and culture of the country (Portuguese, Spanish, Italian or Czech) they plan to attend.

Admission criteria

Admission is subject to approval of the Master's Degree's Board of Directors and is based on the capability and motivation of the applicants, their letters of recommendation and their language proficiency in English.

Ranking of applicants

Eligible applicants will be ranked following the criteria bellow:

  • Previous higher education studies and quality of the institutions
  • Relevant work experience
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Motivation and draft of future thesis
  • Additional information (publications, awards, etc.)


To enrol for an inter-university master’s degree coordinated by a university other than the UPC, you must enrol through the coordinating university, that is through Universidade do Minho (Portugal).

There are three application calls: in January, May and July.


The aim of the International Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments and Historical Constructions is to train highly specialised experts in the study and conservation of the structures of monuments and historical buildings. Starting from a multidisciplinary and highly technological vision, and combining both technical knowledge and considerations of a humanistic and artistic nature, the master's degree aims to train highly qualified experts who can effectively contribute to the study and conservation of the world's architectural heritage.

The master's degree is aimed at students from all over the world and is taught entirely in English. It should be noted that the master's degree includes subjects and knowledge that, despite their importance, are not taught in any other undergraduate studies of civil engineering or architecture (neither in Spain nor in the rest of Europe or, as far as we know, the world).

Overall, the 39-credit courses correspond to topics closely related to the structural aspects of monuments and historical buildings, including structural analysis using classical and advanced techniques, seismic behaviour, materials, geophysical inspection techniques and instrumentation and technologies for conservation and reinforcement. In all these courses, the training provided focuses on the needs of the structures of monuments and historical buildings. This training is reinforced by the completion of a final dissertation, always focused on the study and research related to the conservation of historical structures. In this sense, the content of the master's degree can be considered fully consistent with the title denomination, which makes explicit reference to structural analysis and historical constructions.

Professional opportunities

  • Professionals of the analysis of the structural security and of the resistant problems of the monuments and the historical constructions.
  • Institutions or companies specifically related to the conservation and restoration of heritage.
  • Consulting companies.
  • Direction of works of marked historical or monumental character.
  • Construction companies.
  • Administrations and public companies with activities associated with structural analysis and the resistant behaviour of historical heritage.
  • Technological and research centres and universities.
  • Self-employed professionals.

For more information on the functioning of the programme and the rest of the courses visit the master's official website.



Module 1 - Compulsory courses
Fall semester
History of construction & of conservation 5
Structural analysis techniques 5
Seismic behaviour & structural dynamics 5
Inspection & diagnosis 5
Repairing & strengthening techniques 5
Restoration & conservation of materials 5
Integrated project 9
Module 2 - Dissertation
Spring semester
Dissertation 21

Students enrolled at UPC for the Master's Degree in Structural Analysis of Monuments & Historical Constructions (SAHC) can access the following information:

The SAHC programme has a duration of one academic year (60 ECTS credits) and is held on a rotating basis among partners. Coursework (September – March) is concentrated at University of Minho and dissertation work (April – July) can be performed in any of the involved institutions. It is expected, but not mandatory, that students carry out the entire coursework in one location and the dissertation in another location. Mobility track is based on students’ preferences taking into account adequate balance between different institutions. The curriculum is exactly the same, no matter the student mobility track.

Changes of mobility path from the one defined by the Consortium and informed to the candidate will not be accepted, unless for exceptional reasons. Any student requesting a change in path must provide a substantiated request before the start of the program. After the start of the program, no changes will be allowed.

The study programme is composed of eight units, with six sequential units, one unit project-based and one dissertation. The units are as follows:

  • SA1: History of Construction and of Conservation
  • SA2: Structural Analysis Techniques
  • SA3: Seismic Behaviour and Structural Dynamics
  • SA4: Inspection and Diagnosis
  • SA5: Repairing and Strengthening Techniques
  • SA6: Restoration and Conservation of Materials
  • SA7: Integrated Project
  • SA8: Dissertation

Units SA1 to SA6 are arranged as a mix of theory and application, in a context of a project-led education.

Attendance is mandatory during the morning classes and afternoon assignments (SA1-SA6) for all students.

The Integrated Project (SA7) is s truly project-based course, including a mini-group project to solve a real engineering problem, with site visits.

The Dissertation (SA8) aims at developing research and/or professional competencies in the field of conservation and restoration of architectural heritage structures.

The Master's Thesis is an original exercise to be done individually and presented and defended before a university panel consisting in a project in the sphere of the specific civil engineering technologies synthesising and integrating the competences acquired on the course.

This program has been accredited with the following quality seal: