
Welcome, tutoring & orientation

The school organizes various welcome, tutoring and orientation activities for students to plan their studies. On the one hand, the structure of the studies in courses facilitates the monitoring of students, and is reinforced by the course coordinator, who guarantees that the courses fit and collaborates in tutoring. On the other hand, a general coordination is carried out giving coherence, and focussing and developing esach course's competences.


New students

Students who enrol in Barcelona School of Civil Engineering for the first time.

  • Orientation and welcome session
    It takes place at the beginning of the academic year for each degree. It is delivered by the director, the deputy director of studies of the degree, the deputy director of Teaching Innovation, the coordinator of the course and a representative of the student delegation. All first year professors also attend the sessions. The aim is to welcome, integrate students and respond to any queries.

    Check the dates
  • Library information session
    At the beginning of the academic year the Rector Gabriel Ferraté Library schedules several information sessions to describe the services they offer. The sessions provide students with the tools necessary to understand how to use the different information resources at hand.
Foreign students studying at our school with international mobility
  • Orientation Week
    It is organized at the beginning of each semester by our school and other centers located in our campus, as well as the International Relations Bureau and UPC's Language services and Resources. The aim is to welcome and integrate foreign students.

    More information
  • Welcoming Day
    It is convened at the beginning of each semester and is aimed at foreign students. It is directed by a member of the executive board and representatives of the mobility program in our school. The objective is to respond to the needs of foreign students in academic and practical aspects such as visas and residence permits for studies, accommodation, university life, etc.

    Welcome guide

Tutoring and orientation

First-year students

Tutorial Action Plan (PAT). The goals for a comprehensive care and monitoring system for first-year students are:

  • Giving support to the adaptation, studies and professional orientation of first-year students.
  • Providing elements of training, information and academic guidance in a personalized way.
  • Promoting the acquisition of study techniques and habits through individual and group tutorial action, in accordance with the teaching model described by the European Higher Education Area.
  • Collecting information on the development of the course through students' experience.

During the first week of the academic year, each student is assigned a series of tutorials and a tutor. The learning curve is monitored throughout the course. The tutor and the student have a telematic platform to communicate, call meetings, exchange information and documents, etc.

Students with special needs

The UPC's Students with Disabilities Program and the UPC's High-Level Athlete Program contemplate that each student be assigned a professor who acts as a tutor, and who manages administrative matters.

Students in professional placements

Students enrolled in external placements in companies, institutions and entities through educational cooperation agreements have an academic tutor assigned by the school. The role of the tutor is to guide, approve the placement's training project proposed by the company and monitor it until the final assessment.

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Students enrolled in international mobility

An informative session is organized during the second term of the course (the Mou-te event) to present students with all the mobility options available in foreign universities. The different possibilities are included in the UPC International Mobility Guide. Students who want to study abroad may also receive advice from the heads of studies and the academic department of the school.

Once the mobility places have been assigned, a second informative session is organized that focuses on the procedures to be carried out and other logistical aspects before, during and after the stay, by the Academic Secretariat.

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