

The thesis is delivered in digital format. The digital deposit aims to introduce and facilitate the management of users. It also allows the electronic documentary management of the thesis presented, guarantees their permanent preservation and their archiving and custody.

Academic requirements

  • You must have registered the master/bachelor's thesis in the current academic year.
  • The title must be the same as that submitted to the Intranet or Portal Camins / e-Secretaria. In case it is not the same, contact your tutor in order for them to ask our Academic Services to change it.
  • If necessary, you must send tyour external tutor's report by e-mail to our Academic Services.
  • Your tutor must fill in the Informe 3a available online at PORTALCamins

Requirements to make the digital deposit

At eSecretaria (information on the key words, confidentiality, language of presentation, etc)

  • It is necessary to identify yourself with the user and password of the UPC

At ATENEA TFE (deposit of the project work and annexes)

  • It is necessary to identify yourself with the user and password of the UPC

Format of the thesis

Please refer to the specific section of the master/bachelor's thesis in the OpenCourseWare to know the format of the thesis for each degree.

As a general rule, it should consist of a maximum of 6 files:

  • Project report: 1 file, maximum 40 MB (pdf format)
  • Annexed documents: a maximum of 5 files of up to 30 MB each (pdf/zip)
  • Total (report and annexes): up to 120 MB altogether

In the event that the thesis is a construction project, basic project or any other project that includes plans or blueprints, a hard copy of the work plans must be submitted to the president of the board, on the day of the defense. The scale and the format of the plans (to be chosen from the standard DIN A0 to DIN A4) are free, but they must allow to visualize correctly their components and details.


In the case of the bachelor's thesis and the qualifying master's thesis, in order to publish the project in the website, it will be necessary for students to provide some highlights:

  • Summary of the work (maximum 4000 characters)
  • Image summarizing the work (main compulsory image, which is the first image that is requested. Maximum size of 10 MB)
  • Optionally, choose two secondary images associated with the thesis (in gif, jpg, png format to a maximum size of 10 MB)

You must upload these files at Portal Camins > Treball Final de Grau > Resum del TFM.

How to deposit

The digital deposit must be done at the e-Secretaria and ATENEA TFE

Manual for thesis submission

When to deposit

You can upload your thesis between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m. during the period of submission.


Due to Data Protection Regulations, students must only write either their name or ID number on the cover. Do not write both.


Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
Procedure: Send an email to our Academic Services:

stating the following subject: "Digital Deposit Incident"

Important Check the FAQ related to the procedure.