School Board

 The School Board, Which is chaired by the director, is the governing and most representative body of the Civil Engineering School. The Board ensures that the School adequately fulfills all the functions attributed to it by current regulations, the UPC Statutes and the School Regulations.(Article 11, Civil Engineering School Regulations 26/09/2018)

The composition of the School Board is of staff members (16)  and elected members (84), this are eleceted among and by elective members of the School Boards Sections.(Article 12, Civil Engineering School Regulations 26/09/2018)

Their roles and responsabilities can be consulted at the Civil Engineering School Regulations.


Director of the School Real Saladrigas Esther

Academic Secretary

Oller Ibars, Eva

Deputy director Sànchez Juny, Martí

Deputy director

Fernàndez Garcia, Daniel

Deputy director Mösso Aranda, César

Deputy director

Soriguera Martí, Francesc

Deputy director Cervera Ruiz, Miguel

Deputy director

Ferrer Martí, Ivet

Deputy director Baiges Aznar, Joan

Deputy director

Zlotnik, Sergio

Chief Administrative Officer Cullell Tebe, Víctor

Director of the Civil and Environmentak Dep. director

Sànchez Vila, Xavier

DECA's Academic Secretary Fernàndez Méndez, Sonia

Student delegate of the School

Del Río Fernández, Paula

Representant of Physics Dept Sànchez Umbria, Joan Josep

Representant of Electrical Eng. Dept.

Rull Duran, Joan





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Aparicio Bengoechea, Angel Carlos
Arias Vicente, Irene
Arroyo Àlvarez de Toledo, Marcos
Arroyo Balaguer, Marino
Bairan Garcia, Jesús Miguel
Berenguer Ferrer, Marc
Blade Castellet, Ernest
Bugeda Castelltort, Gabriel
Campos Cacheda, José Magín
Carol Vilarasau, Ignasi
Casanova Hormaechea, Ignasi
Chacon Flores, Rolando Antonio
Chiumenti, Michele
Díez Mejía, Pedro
Estela Carbonell, Rosa María
Falqués Serra, Albert
Garcia Serrano, Joan
Gens Solé, Antonio
Huerta Cerezuela, Antonio
Hürlimann Ziegler, Marcel
Lantada Zarzosa, Maria de las Nieves
Ledesma Villalba, Alberto
Lloret Morancho, Antonio
Magrinyà Torner, Francesc
Mirambell Arrizabalaga, Enrique
Olivella Pastallé, Sebastià
Oñate Ibàñez de Navarra, Eugenio
Ortego Martínez, Mª Isabel
Pérez Foguet, Agustí
Prat Catalan, Pere
Puigagut Juàrez, Jaume
Robusté Anton, Francesc
Roca Fabregat, Pedro
Rodríguez Ferran, Antonio
Sarrate Ramos, Josep
Sempere Torres, Daniel
Turmo Coderque, José
Vaunat, Jean
Barbú, Lucia Gratiela
Bretones Gallardo, Miguel Angel
Dialamishabankareh, Narges
Barbat Vlad, Gabriel
Zorrilla Martínez, Rubén
(1 vacant)
Garcia Gonzàlez, Alberto
Garfi, Marianna
Ugetti, Enrica
Sala Lardíes, Esther
(2 vacants)
Fuentes Soriano, Laura
Gutiérrez Marimón, Paula
Huete Arana, Marboré
Hilario Pérez, Jesús
Bosch Gutiérrez, Gerard
Casas Ramos, Ana
Cerrato Carrasco, Àlex
Buira Bozal, Marta
Bahí Ramisa, Sergi
Vallecillos López, Xavier Andreu
Ventosa San Martino, Marc
(12 vacants)
Aguilera Millan, Angel
Benet Pagès, Maria Mercé
Bladé Coll, Sergi
Hurtado Gómez, Carlos
Marquès Marquès, Albert
Martín Llach, Núria
Ortín Olivé, David
Pomares Abad, Juan
Robledo Vàzquez, Ceferino
Teixidó Romanos, José Oriol