Placements for the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering

Students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering have two different types of placements depending on the bachelor's degree that gained them access to the master's programme.

Professional placement

Students coming from the Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering in our school, have mandatory placements, which consist in a 900 hour placement equal to 30 ECTS, in a national or international company or entity. The placements are formalized by signing an educational cooperation agreement.

  • To be enrolled and have a student insurance, as long as the agreement remains in effect. Students older than 27 should sign a private insurance. Should the placement be abroad, a travel insurance should be signed accordingly.
  • To have inscribed the number of credits indicated in the agreement as a professional placement, the amount of hours in the agreement must be a multiple of 30.
  • To be affiliated to the Spanish Social Security Program.
  • Non nationals must have a National Identification Document (NIE).
Placement load

Curricular placements cannot exceed 900 hours (30 working hours equal 1 ECTS).

In order to establish a professional placement agreement, the student must register for the number of credits matching the number of working hours established in the agreement (30 working hours = 1 ECTS). The number of hours in the agreement must be a multiple of 30.

The total amount of hours for extracurricular placements is 300. Under no circumstances can the placement surpass neither 900 hours per academic year, independently of the kind of placement, nor 1,200 hours for the totality of the degree.

Extracurricular placements

Master's degree students, NOT coming from the Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering, can apply for voluntary extracurricular placements, which can potentially be incorporated to the European Diploma Supplement (EDS).

Students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering that have still not done their mandatory mobility stage can do so by applying to a placement in a foreign country.

Students enrolled in the Master's Degree in Civil Engineering can apply for the exemption of mandatory mobility stage in exchange for a placement in a foreign country.

Placements are formalized by signing an educational cooperation agreement.

  • To be enrolled in a master's degree programme and have a student insurance, as long as the agreement remains in effect. Students older than 27 should sign a private insurance. Should the placement be abroad, a travel insurance should be signed accordingly.
  • To be affiliated to the Spanish Social Security Program.
  • Non nationals must have a National Identification Document (NIE).
Placement load

Placements can neither exceed 1,200 hours for the totality of the degree, nor 900 hours per academic year.

  • 400 hours during the first year. It does not require passing initially at least 15 ECTS.
  • Once exceeded 45 ECTS, the placement can be extended to amount for the rest of the hours.


A minimum wage of 7 €/hour is established as a student grant.


Portal Camins lists all the companies and entities that offer placements. Applicants must contact directly the company/entity using the e-mail address posted in the listing.

The company/entity is not obliged to publish their offers in order to sign an educational cooperation agreement.


  1. Once there is an agreement with a company/entity and the terms and conditions have been established, both parties have to fill and sign the agreement forms (specific for each degree).
  2. The forms should be sent to the school's Agreement Unit, at least 7 days before the placement's starting date. Agreements cannot be signed a posteriori.
  3. Students must enroll in the corresponding course.
  4. A week after sending the agreement, a copy of the signed agreement will be available for the student and the company/entity.
  5. Before finalizing the placement, the student and supervisor's evaluation forms must be filled for further review.

In order to extend the agreement, the same process as in the case of a new agreement must be followed.

The placement will end generally in the date established in the signed agreement. Placements cannot be extended once all the credits have been completed.


  • Mandatory curricular placements: the student and tutor evaluation forms must be uploaded to Portal Camins.
  • Extracurricular placements: they will be evaluated for further incorporation to the EDS (European Diploma Supplement). the student and tutor evaluation forms must be submitted to the Student's Support Unit (UAGEGM), when applying for the EDS.