
Information for associates

Advantages for collaborating entities:

  • There is no contractual relationship between the collaborating entities and the students, the nature of the agreement is academic (Royal Decree 592/2014). Therefore, the general or especial work legislation cannot be applied in this case.
  • They will be furnished with employees highly trained in different technical fields and will meet candidates for future incorporation.
  • The relationship is established by means of an academic cooperation agreement signed by the collaborating entity, the student and the university. The agreement can be rescinded, modified or extended at any given time.
  • The collaborating entity defines, in agreement with the student, the student's Training Project. Under no circumstances, placements not involving civil engineering tasks will be accepted.

Students from Barcelona School of Civil Engineering can accept placements if they are enrolled in the following degrees:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Works Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering
  • Official Master's Degrees:

Depending on the degree and the year, students will have to meet different requirements in order to access the placement program. Please click here to get more information on the requirements for a specific degree.

Economic compensation for students and expenses:

  • Placements compute as a personal expense, ans thus the wages paid to the students are considered as an expense and must be included in the chapter on labor costs.
  • The economic compensation is paid entirely by the collaborating entity to the student, as a student grant and is subject to the taxes established by the Personal Income Tax Regulation. This contribution must be exerted by the collaborating entity as determined by work and income regulations.
  • The Standing Committee dated September 15th 2006 establishes for academic cooperation agreements a minimum wage of 7 €/hour as economic compensation for bachelor's degree students, and 9 €/hour for master's degree students. Agreements not according to these terms will not be signed.
  • Once the agreement is formalized, the university will issue and send the invoice to the collaborating entity for 15.7% of the total amount paid to the student, as management expenses. This contribution is subject to the Value-Added Tax (VAT 21%) (reviewed at the beginning of each academic year).

Selection of students and processing of the agreement

  1. Registering a collaborating entity in the intranet.
  2. Publishing an offer in our web site. Optional, it is not necessary if the students has already been selected.
  3. Selecting the student and stating the conditions of the placement.
  4. Filling up and signing the agreement.
  5. Presenting the documents at the Agreements Unit of our school one week before the beginning of the placement period.
  6. Registering the student in the Treasure's Office of the Spanish National Health System.
  7. Beginning the placement
  8. Filling up the placement evaluation forms.

Inclusion of students participating in an educational cooperation agreement in the Spanish National Health System.

As stated in section 5 of the Royal Decree 1493/2011, dated 24th October 2011, regulating the terms and conditions of inclusion in the Spanish National Health System of all those participating in training programs, the companies/entities must include, since July 1st 2013, all students having signed an educational cooperation agreement, in the Spanish National Health System.

Additionally, in July 2014 urgent measures for the growth, competitiveness and efficiency were approved in BOE 163, dated 5th July 2014, and Royal Decree-law 8/2014, dated 4th July, which in section 25, states the discount on the contribution to the Spanish National Health System of university students in an educational cooperation program.

Therefore, since 1st August 2014, the Spanish National Health System tax draw will have a 100% discount as long as the placement is curricular.

Procedure to include students that are part of an educational cooperation agreement in the Spanish National Health System:

  1. All students must affiliate to the Spanish National Health System, if they are not already. Them being part of their parents affiliation to the Spanish National Health System, is not valid.
  2. The company/entity can apply, via RED System, for a new tax contribution code.
  3. The company/entity must link the students to this new tax contribution code.
  4. The payment of all tax contributions should be made with regards to the instructions given by the Treasure's Office of the Spanish National Health System (TGSS).

Tax contribution for training programs

Description Employer Employee
For common contingencies 30.98 € 6.18 €
For work-related accidents and professional illness Temporary Disability: 2.38 €
Permanent Disability: 1.88 €
Total 35.24 € 6.18 €

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