
Meet our students

Students and graduates face our cameras to explain their experience at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.

Arthur Ollivier

Double Degree student at École Polytechnique

An in-coming mobility student explains his experience at our School.

Students from the China University of Petroleum in Beijing

Selected students from the China University of Petroleum in Beijing

The students from the China University of Petroleum, that started their stay in our School in 2012, conclude their Master's Degree in Geological & Mining Engineering and share their experience.

Núria Roigé Montornés

Graduate in Construction Engineering and awarded the 2014 BASF Prize for her final thesis entitled: "Structural and Environmental optimization of D.W.T.D.N. trenches"

Ms. Roigé concluded her Bachelor's Degree in Construction Engineering and is now studying her Master's Degree in Civil Engineering at our school.

Manel Terraza Farre

Civil engineer and Olympian at London 2012

"I saw the bachelor's degree as a challenge that would help me organize and make the most of my time. Furthermore, Barcelona School of Civil Engineering assigned my a supervisor that provided me significant support when balancing sport and studies."

Tanya Richter

Civil engineer

"Barcelona School of Civil Engineering not only has given me the notions, but also provided me with the opportunity of participating in several mobility programmes."

Juan Pablo Martínez Molina

Civil Engineer by Barcelona School of Civil Engineering-UPC BarcelonaTech and Ècole des Ponts-ParisTech

"My objective was to bring an infrastructure management role to my career in the field of Civil Engineering, by complementing the scientific and technical knowledge acquired at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering."