
Bachelor's degree placements



Type of placements

  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Works Engineering: 180 curricular and mandatory hours, are part of the curriculum, associated to the subject on "Project & Construction of Works & Infrastructures", and are evaluated as part of the Final Thesis.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering: extracurricular placement evaluated as part of the European Diploma Supplement (EDS).


  • To be enrolled and have a student insurance, as long as the agreement remains in effect. Students older than 27 should sign a private insurance. Should the placement be abroad, a travel insurance should be signed accordingly.
  • To be affiliated to the Social Security. You should apply for a Social Security number if you have none associated.
  • To have passed at least 50% of the total credits of the degree.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Works Engineering: to be enroled in some of the courses that are part of the subject "Project & Construction of Works & Infrastructures" in the curriculum.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Works Engineering: students must spend 180 mandatory placement hours throughout the degree. Ultimately they could enrol in extracurricular placements. The maximum amount of hours per year is 900, which amounts to a grand total per degree of 1800 hours.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering: The maximum amount of hours per year is 900, which amounts to a grand total per degree of 1800 hours.
  • At the end of the degree, students should present a certificate withdrawing from the program. Students who have completed all the credits from the degree cannot continue with the placement.


  • Agreement offers: Portal Camins lists all the companies and entities that offer placements. Applicants must contact directly the company/entity using the e-mail address posted in the listing
  • If you are on your senior year and have not jet applied for a placement, please contact your head of studies.


  1. Once there is an agreement with a company/entity and the terms and conditions have been established, both parties have to fill and sign the agreement forms.
  2. The forms should be sent to the school's Agreement Unit, at least 7 days before the placement's starting date. Agreements cannot be signed a posteriori.
  3. A week after sending the agreement, a copy of the signed agreement will be available for the student and the company/entity.
  4. Before finalizing the placement, the student and supervisor's evaluation forms must be filled for further review.

In order to extend the agreement, the same process as in the case of a new agreement must be followed.


The September 2006 standing committee establishes a minimum wage of 7 €/hour as economic compensation for educational cooperation agreements.

The company/entity must pay students directly the amount agreed by way of a student grant. From the student's point of view, they receive a wage from a third party, which is subject to withholding based on their tax return. This withholding, of at least 2% of their income, must be enforced by the company/entity, and thus a tax withholding certificate must be issued and sent to the student.


  • Bachelor's Degree in Public Works Engineering: associated to the subject "Project & Construction of Works & Infrastructures" and evaluated as part of the Bachelor's Thesis. Before depositing the Bachelor's Thesis, students must present the evaluation forms (supervisor and student) to the Student's Support Unit (UAGEGM), as established in the academic regulations, within the Bachelor's Thesis defense period.
  • Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering and Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering: evaluated as part of the European Diploma Supplement (EDS). Students must present the evaluation forms (supervisor and student) to the UAGEGM, when applying for the EDS.

National Social Security

As stated in Chapter 5 of Royal Decree 1493/2011, dated October 24th, which regulates the terms and conditions for the affiliation to the National Social Security of all those enrolled in training programs, since July 1st 2013, the companies/entities must affiliate to the Social Security program those students having formalized educational cooperation agreements.

More information


For the purpose of the General Treasury of the Social Security, it is important to specify the type of placement: curricular or extracurricular. Therefore, an agreement must be signed for the curricular placement, and should it be extended, a different agreement must be signed for an extracurricular placement.