Objectives & regulations


University students' placements are an academic activity under the supervision of the school, whose main objective is to apply and complement the knowledge acquired during their academic training, favoring the acquisition of competences needed for the exercise of professional activities and making it easier for them to find a job and entrepreneurship.

The aim of the placement will be:

  • To contribute to the personal development of students, complementing the theoretical and practical training.
  • To facilitate the knowledge and work methodology necessary for students to act in the professional reality of engineers , contrasting and applying the knowledge they have acquired.
  • To favor the development of technical, methodological, personal and participatory competences.
  • To obtain a practical experience that enables their to join the workforce.

State regulations

  • Royal Decree 592/2014, dated July 11th 2014, regulating academic placements for university students.
  • Royal Decree 1493/2011, dated October 24th 2011, regulating the terms and conditions of the affiliation of students enrolled in an academic placement in the Spanish Social Security Program.
  • Royal Decree-law 8/2014, dated July 4th 2014, stating the urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency. The 25th additional disposition states the discount on the contribution to the Social Security for curricular placements of university students.

UPC regulations

  • 74/2012 agreement of the Governing Council stating the regulation of academic placements of UPC-BarcelonaTech.

Barcelona School of Civil Engineering regulations

  • The terms and conditions are regulated by the specific academic regulations of each degree.
  • CP 06.04.5 agreement of the Standing Commission of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering stating the minimum wage for academic placements.