
Enrolment of new students in a Master's Degree program (Q1)

Fall semester

MASTER'S DEGREE NEW STUDENTS (1st time enrolling)


OTHER MASTER'S DEGREES (enrolment of fall courses Q1)

On-line enrolment:
at e-Secretaria

Support line for on-line enrolment from 10am till 1:30pm (local time): +34 934 011 840

Civil Engineering

Yearly enrolment

September 13th 2023

Double Master's Degree in Civil Engineering and Urban Mobility (DD MDCE + MDUM)

Fall enrolment

September 13th 2023

Double Master's Degree in Civil Engineering and Structural & Construction Engineering (DD MDCE + MDSCE)

Fall enrolment

September 13th 2023

Urban Mobility

September 8th 2023
Environmental Engineering September 12th 2023
Geotechnical Engineering September 12th 2023
Structural & Construction Engineering September 12th 2023
Numerical Methods Engineering September 12th 2023

Sustainability Science & Technology

September 12th 2023
Double Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering and in Mining Engineering September 12th 2023
Double Master's Degree in Sustainability Science & Technology and in Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environment September 12th 2023


Exclusively for master students holding a conditional admission.

November 3rd 2023
  1. Please enroll online at e-Secretaria in the date and time you have been assigned and before 10am (local time) of the following day. Check the date and time assigned at Enrolment > Enrolment conditions (this information is published 1 to 2 days prior yo the enrolment date).
    To activate all menu options, you must fill out all the mandatory fields, if you haven't done so, you will receive a warning message.
  2. You can download the official enrolment form (Imprès oficial de matrícula) at Forms and payments (select the form, language and click on View form)

Contact SIAE-Camins during the enrolment period

In-site student assistance requires an appointment
General support line
On-line enrolment support line
Technical support line

Problems to access the e-Secretaria

Contact email

Request form

Enrolment modifications and academic regulations


Enrolment forms can be modified.

You can apply for an enrolment modification of your 2023-2024 enrolment form (fall semester) at e-Secretaria (Procedures > Request > Enrolment) until September 22nd 2023, as stated in the academic procedures calendar for master's degrees.


Bear always in mind that by filling out the aforementioned enrolment form you are doing so under your own responsibility and are liable to all administrative conditions, regulations and procedures concerning the enrolment process as stated in UPC's General Academic Regulations for Master's Degrees as well as in the Master's Degrees Regulations at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.

How to enrol

Payment options
  • SEPA transfer
    It is mandatory to fill out the SEPA transfer form at e-Secretaria before online enrolling. Only for banks within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA): In case of one payment by direct debit or in installments, you must fill out your bank details at e-Secretaria (section My data > Bank accounts> "Add" button).
  • Other payment options
    No necessary action before online enrolment if:

Check the documents necessary (see the checklist).

Learn how to present original documents. If you are a former UPC-BarcelonaTech bachelor student, you do not have to present this documents again.

Data on the academic record

Check and update your personal details at e-Secretaria, if necessary.

Date and time for online enrolment

Check the date and time at e-Secretaria (Enrolment > Enrolment conditions). This information is published 1 to 2 days before the enrolment period.

Courses you wish to enroll

You may check the curriculum (printing version) and schedules (see map) at the master's website.


Check the information on grants, public fees, payment options i discounts on enrolment fees.

UPC digital student card

The UPC card accredits you as a student of the University and allows you access to different services: libraries, laboratories, buildings, etc.

To generate the card it is essential that you upload your photo to the system beforehand.

The card will be available upon prior appointment in the location indicated in the link.

UPC folder

You can pick up your UPC folder after identification at Building C1 (front desk) since September 15th (from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm).


Check the School's calendars and regulations for all academic procedures relating to the enrolment process.

Courses start on...

September 27th 2023.