Opening ceremony of the academic year


The inauguration of the 2022-2023 academic year will take place on Wednesday, October 5th, at noon in the Jose Antonio Torroja Auditorium of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.


This year, the inaugural conference: "Network Intelligence and deeptech entrepreneurial talent" will be given by Dra. Daria Tataj Honorary Professor at Alliance Manchester Business School, creator of Network Intelligence (nIQ) methodology, Founder & CEO of Tataj Innovation, and author of "Innovation and Entrepreneurship: A Growth Model for Europe beyond the Crisis".


During the event, several members of our School will be recognized and prizes will be awarded to the students with the best academic records..


 Prof. Dr. Daria Tataj

Dr. Daria Tataj is the co-founder of the Network Intelligence (nIQ) Academy set up in 2021 in partnership with Masood Entrepreneurship Center at the Alliance Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester. Network Intelligence is a capacity to turn people in your networks into collaborators who help you and your team increase productivity, innovate, and growth with a purpose in mind. Thanks to this system-change methodology, alumni of the Network IQ Academy accelerate their careers and projects in business, technology, and society worldwide.


Dr. Tataj is one of the key European Commission experts on innovation, a member of the founding Board of the EIT European Institute of Innovation and Technology, and a Supervisory Board member of EIT Manufacturing. She has taken Tataj Innovation, a Polish R&D edutech company, to work globally and was recognised in 2021 by the Spanish government as one of the women role models shaping the entrepreneurial ecosystem. In 2022 Tataj Innovation became a formal ally of the Spanish government’s strategy "Spain Entrepreneurial Nation".


  1. Opening of the Act by Professor Esther Real, director of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering
  2. Recognition for students with better academic records.
  3. Presentation of the Marcel Brú and Turull Awards
  4. Recognition of people retired during the 2021-2022 academic year
  5. Inaugural conference entitled: "Network Intelligence and deeptech entrepreneurial talent", by Dr. Tataj.
  6. Closure of the act
  7. University Anthem: "Gaudeamus Igitur"