
Master's degrees placements

Type of placements depending on the master's degree
  • Master's Degree in Civil Engineering
  • Master's Degree in Structural & Construction Engineering, Master's Degree EuroAquae, Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Master's Degree in Sustainability Science & Technology: the placements are extracurricular, voluntary, and are neither part of the curriculum, nor part of the academic record. They will only be incorporated to the European Diploma Supplement (EDS).
  • Master's Degree in Numerical Methods in Engineering: the placements are curricular, and thus are part of the curriculum, and associated to the second-year's course on Industrial Training, which is worth 15 ECTS.
  • Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering: the placements are also curricular, and part of the curriculum as optional credits, worth 12 to 15 ECTS, and are evaluated as part of the curriculum. There is a possibility of establishing extracurricular placements for the rest of the hours.

Curricular placements

Master's Degree in Numerical Methods in Engineering and Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering

The placements are linked to the corresponding course of the second-year's curriculum and is evaluated at the end of the year.


  • To be enroled and have a student insurance while the agreement is in place. Students older than 27 must sign a private insurance. Should the placement be abroad, a travel insurance should be signed accordingly.
  • To be enroled of the necessary credits (courses or placement).
  • To be affiliated to the Social Security
  • In the case of foreign students, to have applied for a Foreigners' Identity Number (NIE).

Placement load:

Generally, placement hours per master's degree are limited to:

  • For master's degrees of up to 90 ECTS, 900 placement hours.
  • For master's degrees of up to 120 ECTS, 1.200 placement hours.

Students cannot extend the placement more than 900 hours per academic year.

Students from degrees with curricular placements can choose to enrol in further extracurricular placements as long as they do not surpass the hour limitations stated above.

Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering: Students have a minimum of 12 credits and maximum of 15 credits for optional curricular placements. The hours stated in the agreement must correspond to the number of credits enroled (30 hours = 1 credit).

Applications must be placed at e-Secretaria once the agreement is presented.


Curricular placements are evaluated once the supervisor and student forms of all subscribed placements have been delivered, in the terms established in the administrative calendar of the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.

Extracurricular placements

Master's Degree in Structural & Construction Engineering, Master's Degree EuroAquae, Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Master's Degree in Sustainability Science & Technology:

The placements are extracurricular, voluntary, and are not part of the curriculum, but are incorporated to the European Diploma Supplement (EDS).


  • To be enroled and have a student insurance while the agreement is in place. Students older than 27 must sign a private insurance. Should the placement be abroad, a travel insurance should be signed accordingly.
  • To be affiliated to the Social Security.
  • To have passed at least 15 ECTS of the master's degree.
  • In the case of foreign students, to have applied for a Foreigners' Identity Number (NIE).

Placement load:

Generally, placement hours per master's degree are limited to:

  • For master's degrees of up to 90 ECTS, 900 placement hours.
  • For master's degrees of up to 120 ECTS, 1.200 placement hours.

Students cannot extend the placement more than 900 hours per academic year.

Students from degrees with curricular placements cannot enrol in extracurricular placements until their curricular placements have not been positively evaluated.


Extracurricular placements are incorporated to the EDS, once the supervisor and student evaluation forms are presented to the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering in time as established in the administrative calendar.


The minimum economic compensation has been established at 9 €/hour by way of a student grant.

Agreement offers:

Portal Camins lists all the companies and entities that offer placements. Applicants must contact directly the company/entity using the e-mail address posted in the listing.

Companies/entities are not obliged to publish their offers in order to sign an educational cooperation agreement.


  1. Once there is an agreement with a company/entity and the terms and conditions have been established, both parties have to fill and sign the agreement forms.
  2. The forms should be sent to the school's Agreement Unit, at least 7 days before the placement's starting date. Agreements cannot be signed a posteriori.
  3. A week after sending the agreement, a copy of the signed agreement will be available for the student and the company/entity.
  4. Before finalizing the placement, the student and supervisor's evaluation forms must be filled for further review.

Extending the placement

In order to extend a placement, a new agreement must be signed.

Placements generally must end as stated in the signed agreement, and cannot be extended once the total amount of credits per degree/year has been achieved.