
Thesis deposit

The final thesis must be delivered in digital format. The digital deposit aims to introduce and facilitate this procedure to users. It also allows the electronic documentary management of the works presented, guarantees their permanent preservation, archiving and safekeeping.

Academic requirements

  • Students must register the Master/Bachelor's Thesis in the current academic year
  • The title must be the same as that shown in the Intranet or Portal Camins / e-Secretaria, otherwise, students must contact their tutor, who will request the Academic Services to change it.
  • If necessary, students must e-mail the report from their external tutor to the Academic Services.

Requirements to make the digital deposit with electronic signature

  • To have an activated UPC card.*
  • To identify yourself with UPC user and password and, in addition, to validate their authenticity by reporting some of the digits that appear on your university student card.

* To find out if the student card is activated, please check that the card is the same as the one shown on the Digital identity (UPC) website by accessing "Myid". If the number does not match and the following message appears "Card still not activated", please click on "Activate card". If the numbers on your card have deleted or are unreadable, please access the above-website to find them out.

Thesis formatting

Please refer to the specific section of the Master/Bachelor's Thesis in the OpenCourseWare to find out the final thesis formatting for each specific degree.

As a general rule, it should consist of a maximum of 6 files:

  • Academic work (memory): 1 file, maximum 40 MB (pdf format)
  • Annex documents: a maximum of 5 files of up to 30 MB each (pdf/zip)
  • The sum of both, memory and annexes, cannot exceed a maximum of 120 MB

Should the final thesis be a construction project, basic project or any other work including maps, a hard copy of the maps, must be delivered to the president of the board, on the day of the defense. The scale and format of the plans (which can be from DIN A0 to DIN-A4) is free, as long as they allow to visualize them correctly in detail.


In the case of bachelor's and qualifying master's theses, in order to upload them in the website, the following list of highlights must be provided:

  • Summary of the thesis (maximum 4000 characters)
  • Images summarising the thesis (Compulsory; maximum size of 10 MB)
  • Two optional secondary images associated with the thesis (Format: gif, jpg, png; maximum size of 10 MB)

These documents must be uploaded in Portal Camins > Final Thesis > Summary.

How to deposit

The digital deposit must be done through the e-Secretaria.

When to deposit

During the period in which the platform is open, students can upload their thesis between 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 p.m.

Front covers


Opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m.
Procedure: Send an e-mail to the Academic Services:

with the following subject: "Digital Deposit Incident"

Important: Check the FAQs related to the procedure.