
Geological Engineering

Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering image

The Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering integrates the principles of geological sciences with the analysis and engineering techniques to provide reliable and sustainable solutions, adapted to the needs of society.

This degree will provide students with the necessary knowledge to evaluate and manage natural resources, for the protection of the environment, as well as to solve a variety of practical problems associated with the construction of infrastructure works using the principles of sustainable engineering.

This degree specialises in the tools for the design of constructive solutions, in the sustainable management of natural resources, in the forecasting and mitigation of geological risks, in the storage of waste and in the protection of the physical environment. Students will receive training in techniques of data capture and treatment for the characterisation of the terrain, 3D digital cartography, geotechnical modelling, natural hazards and pollutant behaviour.

Academic year starts September
Duration 4 years
Study load 240 ECTS (including the bachelor's thesis)
Delivery On-campus
Language Spanish & Catalan
Places There are no places available as this is a degree in extinction.
Official degree Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (recorded in the Spanish Ministry of Education's degree register)
Double degree agreements

From the 2018-2019 academic year the Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering will be in extinction and will not accept new applicants. Students currently enrolled in this program will proceed with their current program following the extinction time table as stated in the current legislation regulating the extinction of curricula and the normative established by the Governing Council of UPC-BarcelonaTech.

Career opportunities

  • Construction companies, consultancy firms and laboratories.
  • Environmental companies.
  • The oil and gas industry: exploration and characterisation of natural resources (oil, gas, minerals, raw materials).
  • Instrumentation and control companies.
  • Administrations.
  • Geological services.
  • Research centres.

Learning objectives

  • This degree forms generalist engineers and engineers with a wide range of possibilities in the labor market. The graduates will have solid knowledge of digital cartography, the use of remote sensors, techniques of recognition and 3D visualisation of the subsoil, natural processes modelling, geo-environmental engineering, groundwater technology, resource analysis, environmental impact, geotechnics , geophysics and geology.
  • To enable people to practice the regulated profession of technical engineering of mines, surveys and mining surveys.

2021-2022 academic year



First year
Extinct courses
250308 - Mineralogy 9
250304 - Mathematic fundamentals 6
250303 - Physics 6
250309 - Chemistry 6
250305 - General geology 6
250301 - Algebra 6
250306 - Geomatics, topography & graphic expression 6
250307 - Mechanics 7.5
250302 - Calculus 7.5
Second year
Fall semester
250320 - Structural geology 6
250324 - Differential equations 7.5
250326 - Petrology 7.5
250328 - Structures 9
Spring semester
250323 - Stratigraphy 6
250321 - Geomorphology 7.5
250325 - Numerical modelling 6
250322 - Materials science & technology 4.5
250327 - Continuum mechanics 6
Third year
250335 - Geophysical prospection, geochemistry & seismology 9
Fall semester
250332 - Thermodynamics of natural processes 4.5
250333 - Geographic information systems 4.5
250334 - Probability & statistics 4.5
250338 - Construction management & electrotechnics 4.5
250336 - Hydraulics & hydrology 9
Spring semester
250331 - Geological mapping 6
250330 - Geology for public works 4.5
250337 - Numerical modelling 4.5
250339 - Soil mechanics 9
Fourth year
Fall/Spring semester
250348 - Bachelor's thesis 12
Fall semester
250340 - Environmental impact 4.5
250342 - Mineral & energy resources 4.5
250344 - Geotechnical engineering 4.5
250345 - Hydrogeology 6
250346 - Structural technology 6
250347 - Projects & economics 4.5
Spring semester
250341 - Geoenvironmental engineering 6
250343 - Rock mechanics & underground excavation 6

Printer version

Students enrolled at UPC for the Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering can access the following information:


The Bachelor's Thesis is an original exercise to be done individually and presented and defended before a university panel consisting in a project in the sphere of the specific civil engineering technologies synthesising and integrating the competences acquired on the course.

List of bachelor's thesis currently scheduled for public presentation:

This program has been awarded the following quality labels: