
Direct access to Bachelor´s degree by change of studies

Transfer from another university and/or an official Spanish degree

Students who wish to transfer from another university and/or an official Spanish degree, if they obtain recognition of at least 30 ECTS credits, may apply for direct admission to a school or degree without having to gain a place via the pre-enrolment process.

Previously to that, they must submit a recognition study request, if they meet the criteria specified below:


The following students are entitled to apply for admission via this procedure
  • Students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree and would like to continue the same degree at another school or another university
  • Students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree and would like to transfer to a different degree at the same school, another school or another university.
  • Students who were enrolled in but did not complete a phased out degree and who would like to gain admission to a bachelor’s degree at the same school, another school or another university. Students seeking admission to the bachelor’s degree that is replacing the one  phased out (or to a later curriculum for the same bachelor’s degree) should not apply via this route.

Admission requirements
  • Students must obtain recognition of at least 30 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects of the degree in which they wish to enrol. Credits corresponding to the bachelor’s thesis will not be recognised.
  • Students transferring from another degree at the UPC must have met the minimum academic progress requirements on the degree from which they wish to transfer

The following students are not entitled to apply for admission via this procedure
  • Students who are enrolled in a bachelor’s degree at the UPC and have completed the entire degree with the exception of the bachelor’s thesis.
  • Students who are enrolled at other public Spanish universities or have taken degrees under earlier regulations who, if admitted, would require fewer than 60 ECTS credits to complete a bachelor’s degree at the UPC.
  • Students who have completed a bachelor’s degree and are entitled to apply for the degree certificate, because when students are admitted to a bachelor’s degree via transfer from another university and/or an official Spanish degree their original academic record is closed.
  • Students who wish to study two degrees simultaneously
  • Students who have not obtained a minimum of 30 recognized ECTS credits.

Students who do not meet these requirements must apply for a place via the university pre-enrolment process (only for Spanish students)

Students who have studied at foreign universities

Royal Decree 967/2014 establishes that Spanish universities are responsible for partial validation of foreign degrees as partially equivalent to Spanish university degrees.

In addition, Royal Decree 412/2014 establishes that these applications to direct admission must be admitted as long as interested parties have not had their qualifications, diplomas or degrees homologated or declared equivalent in Spain.

In the case of foreign degrees that qualify holders to practise regulated professions, they may apply for homologation to the corresponding official Spanish university degree or validation, but they can not apply for both at the same time.

If students want to apply for direct admission to a bachelor´s degree program at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, previously to that, they must submit a recognition study request.

The procedure for admission to the University depends on the number of credits validated:

Admission directly at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering
  • Validation of a minimum of 30 ECTS credits corresponding to compulsory subjects of the degree they want to access. The Fiinal Thesis will not be validated under any circumstances.
  • These students cannot do the pre-enrolment process.
  • These students must apply for admission directly at the Barcelona School of Civil Engineering.
Admission to the studies with university pre-enrolment process -through change of studies- 
  • Validation of fewer than 30 ECTS credits
  • These students must follow the university pre-enrolment change of studies process and provide a proof that they have filed a request for validation with the school at which they wish to continue studying. Such a request may only be filed for the school granting the validation.
Admission to the studies with university pre-enrolment process -through general process-
  • Students who do not receive recognition for any credits can access university studies through the university pre-enrolment general process. Previously they must have final official recognition of the upper secondary school (high school) certificate and have to be passed the entrance exams for foreign students by UNEDassis.

Supporting documentation

  • Official academic certificate - Official transcript of records (*)
  • Official study plan published by the corresponding institution (Syllabus) (*)
  • Official program of the requested subjects published by the corresponding institution (*)
  • Copy of ID card, NIE, or passport.
(*) Documents from outside the EU must be legalized through diplomatic means or with the Apostille of the Hague. If they are not in Catalan or Spanish, an official translation must be attached. These documents must be original or electronic certified copies. No documents submitted will be returned to the person once the procedure is completed.


  1. Online submission through the specific application on the PortalCamins of the Pre-validation of credits request for official university studies, within the established period
  2. You can check the programs of the subjects on CaminsOpenCourseWare
  3. Attach the supporting documentation through the same specific application process
  4. Download and sign (electronic signature) the pdf of the application
  5. Send it to  
  6. Payment of the corresponding fee for the pre-validation study, which will be sent by email.
  7. If the resolution recognizes/validates 30 or more ECTS credits and the applicant wants to apply for direct admission to the center, they must submit the Direct Access Request form through the "Seu electrònica de la UPC" -Instance to the Director of ETSECCPB, electronically completed and signed, within the established period.

Application submission and resolution periods



Submission of Pre-validation request and submission of supporting documentation

Specific application PortalCamins


from March18th to June 15th 2024

Resolution of Pre-validation request

by email

pending of approval

Submission of Direct access request form

(only if the pre-validation resolution is for 30 or more ECTS credits)

UPC Electronic office

Request to the  Director

until June 15th 2024

Resolution of Direct access request

by email pending of approval


Number of places offered for direct access for the academic year 2023/24 and selection criteria


Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering 12
Bachelor's Degree in Marine Science and Technologies 5
Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Engineering 5

If there are more applications than available places, the selection criterion will be based on the weighting of students' academic records.