
Swansea University

Para el Máster en Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería, línea Computational Mechanics

Doble titulación de 120 ECTS dirigida a estudiantes del MMNI de la línea Computational Mechanics.

El primer curso se realizarán 60 ECTS en la Escola de Camins. El segundo curso se realizará en la Universidad de Swansea (60 ECTS).

Al acabar, se obtienen dos títulos: el Máster en Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería de la Escuela de Caminos y el Master in Computational Mechanics de la Universidad de Swansea.

La defensa del TFM se realizará en Swansea y posteriormente se presentará en la Esuela de Caminos.

Para más información sobre la solicitud, trámites y plazos, clicad aquí.

Itinerario DD Swansea



The Double Master of Science degree in Computational Mechanics field, offered by UPC and USWAN is designed for students who wish to develop their knowledge and competency in the field of computational mechanics with applications in solids, fluids and interdisciplinary fields. Students will study at both institutions.

The programme lasts two academic years (120 ECTS) and includes an MSc Thesis as well as Practical Training in an industrial or applied research environment. The first year is aimed at providing a solid background in computational mechanics and numerical methods as well as entrepreneurship awareness, transversal skills and practical industrial training. Students can select to follow the first year either at UPC or USWAN. The second year is designed to gain a deeper knowledge in a particular area within computational mechanics and must be pursued in the other institution.

Further information cliqueu aquí.

Track DD Swansea-UPC