Double Degree between the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering and the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering


The Double Degree between the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering (MScME) and the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering (MScGE) combines geotechnical engineering (geotechnics, earthquake engineering, hydrogeology) with mining engineering in order to train future engineers with a broad range of professional opportunities. This double degree aims to provide specialised training in sustainable approaches to locating, extracting and exploiting minerals and energy resources as well as knowledge in geophysics and earthquake engineering and acquiring the skills to predict, evaluate and reduce seismic hazards.

Academic year starts 1st semester (Fall): September
2nd semester (Spring): February
Duration 2 years
Study load 150 ECTS (including the master's thesis)
Delivery On-campus
  • MScME: Spanish, Catalan and English
  • MScGE: Spanish and English
  • Part-time
  • Full-time
Minimum academic progress

The minimum academic progress for first year students is 15 ECTS. Students must complete the master's program in up to:

  • Full time: 4 years
  • Part time: 8 years
Places 15
Official degrees Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering and Master's Degree in Mining Engineering by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (recorded in the Spanish Ministry of Education's degree register)
Participating schools

More information about fees and payment options

More information about grants and loans

Academic coordinators

Specific admission requirements

In order to gain admission to this Double Degree the following requirements must be met:

  • University degree
    • Holders of an official bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering, Public Works Engineering or Environmental Engineering
    • Holders of an official bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences or Geology.
    • Holders of an official diploma or former undergraduate degrees in Civil Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Public Works Engineering or Geology.
    • Students on double-degree programmes that include the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering under the continuity system.
    • Holders of other qualifications, in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.2.3 of Order CIN/309/2009, dated February 9th
Students pending obtaining the degree that gives access to the master's degree

UPC undergraduate students who, despite not having obtained the bachelor’s degree, have pending the TFG and, at most, up to 9 ECTS (including credits pending recognition or transfer) or who have completed their studies, but are waiting to achieve, if possible, transversal competence in a third language. Under no circumstances will students who access this route be able to obtain a master's degree if they have not previously obtained a bachelor's degree.

Candidates from other universities who are enrolled in all the credits to complete the studies that give access to the master's degree can apply for access. Acceptance will be conditioned to the fulfillment of the general and specific access and admission requirements at the time of formalizing the registration.

Please check the specific admission requirements to the MScME here.

You will find all the information about the general Access requirements to UPC master's programs here.

Admission criteria

Master's Degree in Mining Engineering

The following factors or parameters are considered for admission to the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering:

  • Academic record
  • Experience in the research field
  • Fluency in foreign languages

For more information please check the master's official website (in Spanish).

Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering

The following factors or parameters are considered for admission to the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering:

  • Weighted average mark factor (40%)
    It is the result of summing the values obtained by multiplying the marks of the courses passed by the number of credits in each of them and dividing it by the number of credits passed (as stated in UPC's regulations).
  • CV adequacy factor (50%)
  • Additional former education factor (10%)
    Adequacy to the academic or professional competencies established in the Master's Degree is advisable.

You can check the results of the evaluation and selection of the applications for admission resolutions for the current academic year here.

Pre-enrolment and enrolment

Check here the general admission requirements for UPC masters and information on pre-registration: calendar, how to apply for admission, how to reserve a place if the resolution is favorable, etc.

Training objectives

This double degree is born as a natural need to combine geotechnical engineering (geotechnics, earthquakes, hydrogeology) with mining engineering (explosives, indoor and outdoor extraction activities, mineral processing) so that it can lead to a wider professional future. It should be noted that, academically speaking, there is an important relationship between these two fields of study. In addition, the two schools in which these two master's degrees are offered have bachelor's degrees that may naturally lead to this double degree and provide an academic continuity consistent with both master's degrees. On the one hand the Bachelor's Degree in Mining Engineering (EPSEM) and on the other hand the Bachelor's Degree in Geological Engineering (joint degree between Barcelona School of Civil Engineering at UPC and the Faculty of Geology at UB) are degrees dealing with mining technical engineering (although they are different specialties, they complement each other very well to create professionals who meet the needs of the market). Likewise, it should be noted that these bachelor's degrees are not the only studies that grant access to this double degree.

Professional opportunities

Engineers taking this Double Degree between the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering and the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering will be able to access technical and managerial positions in companies related to the exploitation of mines and energy resources, as well as other positions related to the research and evaluation of mineral deposits, underground works, soundings and mining facilities, their maintenance and the study of environmental impact. They may also direct projects for the extraction, transportation and storage of resources, applying mineral and metallurgical technologies. The main opportunities for graduates in the field of mining engineering are in the mining sector, in civil works and in broader sectors where they can carry out studies on environmental impact, environmental assessment, job security and organization and quality control, among others.

They may also join work teams, either as managers or expert technicians, in the areas and activities related to the field of geotechnical engineering:

  • Management and planning of geotechnical works.
  • Management and planning of water resources.
  • Modelling, assessment and management of geological resources.
  • Assessment and reduction of seismic risk.
  • Assessment and reduction geological risk.
  • Assessment and reduction of hydrogeological risk, including soil contamination.
  • Land survey campaigns.
  • Energy resource prospecting campaigns.
  • Planning and management of waste storage solutions.
  • Civil engineering, geotechnical, geological and seismic consulting.
  • Hydrology and hydrogeology consulting.
  • Doctoral studies in civil, geotechnical, geological and earthquake engineering.
  • Doctoral studies in hydrology and hydrogeology.

For more information on course groups, coordinators and codes check the printer version of the curriculum.


With regards to the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering, the double master's proposal includes all the subjects and courses that comply with Order CIN/310/2009, dated February 9th, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that enable the exercise of the profession of mining engineer. There are 60 mandatory ECTS, 15 elective ECTS that will be recognized by the courses of the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering indicated in the annexes and a final joint master's thesis that will correspond in credits and contents to that established in the aforementioned ministerial order.



First year (EPSEM)
Fall semester
330602 - Economy of the mining company* 5
330327 - Mining machines 5
330335 - Modelización y evaluación de recursos geológicos 5
330601 - Modeling in mineral processing* 5
330338 - Geological & energy resources management 5
330337 - Land & underground space management 5
Spring semester
330605 - Numerical methods applied to mining engineering* 5
330603 - Modeling & simulation of underground excavations* 5
330332 - Minerals engineering 5
330606 - Mining design & modeling* 5
330604 - Blasting modeling* 5
330333 - Environmental mining engineering 5
Second year (ETSECCPB)
Fall & spring semesters
250803 - Modelling of flow & transport in porous media 5
250804 - Soils mechanics 5
250805 - Rock mechanics 5
250830 - Sismology 5
3 mandatory specialty courses from the MScGE 15
2 elective courses from the MScGE 10
Joint Master's Thesis 45


With regards to the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering, the double degree's proposal includes the contents and competences that are described in the verification report. There are 35 mandatory ECTS corresponding to the common block, 15 ECTS will be taken from the Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering, while the difference up to 35 ECTS will correspond to mandatory courses included in the common block of the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering (major in Scientific and management training). The Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering is made up of 3 specialties (Geotechnical engineering, Underground hydrology and Seismic and geophysical engineering), each consisting of 25 ECTS of mandatory specialty courses and 20 ECTS of elective specialty courses. In any case, students can complete the master's degree without reaching a specialty, provided that the volume of credits is fulfilled. As for the double master's degree, it is designed without a specific specialty, so that students must take 20 ECTS corresponding to mandatory specialty courses and 10 ECTS of common elective courses. The rest (25 ECTS of specialty courses) is achieved through the courses of the common block of the Master's Degree in Mining Engineering.



First year (ETSECCPB)
Fall semester (ETSECCPB)
250803 - Modelling of flow & transport in porous media 5
250804 - Soils mechanics 5
250805 - Rock mechanics 5
250830 - Sismology 5
2 mandatory specialty courses from the MScGE 10
Spring semester (EPSEM)
330605 - Numerical methods applied to mining engineering* 5
330603 - Modeling & simulation of underground excavations* 5
330332 - Minerals engineering 5
330606 - Mining design & modeling* 5
330604 - Blasting modeling* 5
330333 - Environmental mining engineering 5
Second year
Fall semester (EPSEM)
330602 - Economy of the mining company* 5
330327 - Mining machines 5
330335 - Modelización y evaluación de recursos geológicos 5
330601 - Modeling in mineral processing* 5
330338 - Geological & energy resources management 5
330337 - Land & underground space management 5
Spring semester (ETSECCPB)
1 mandatory specialty course from the MScGE 5
2 elective courses from the MScGE 10
Joint Master's Thesis 45

* The new designation of these courses with respect to the verified version has been informed through the degree's accreditation process and is pending evaluation by AQU's External Audit Committee.

Common elective specialty courses



Mass transport in the ground (3 courses) 15
Interactions between groundwater, civil works & the environment (3 courses) 15
Seismic risk assessment (2 courses) 10
Seismic design of structures (5 courses) 25
Geological characterization (3 courses) 15
Coupled processes in soils & rocks (2 courses) 10
Modeling in geotechnical engineering (3 courses) 15

Students enrolled at UPC for the Double Degree MSCME-MScGE can access the following information:

The Master's Thesis is an original exercise to be done individually and presented and defended before a university pannel consisting in a project in the sphere of the specific geotechnical engineering technologies synthesising and integrating the competences acquired on the course.

List of master's theses currently scheduled for public presentation at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering:

Institutional information for Barcelona School of Civil Engineering

Secretariat of the program