

Escola de Camins
The study of civil engineering was officially established in Catalonia in 1973, when Barcelona School of Civil Engineering was founded. The school was created by initiative of a series of civil engineers and Catalan companies, and its first term was presided by Victoriano Muñoz Oms.


Excellence in teaching and research

The evolution of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering since 1978, when the first promotion graduated, follows a common thread: excellence in teaching and research. The result is the formation of specialists with a strong scientific and technical base, capable of assuming complex challenges and having a competitive formation in a changing society.

In terms of research, the school has always contributed to innovation and competitive improvement, and has carried out projects applied to the needs of different entities in particular and of society in general. The school is a meeting and exchange point in the business, academic and social environments.

Concordance with the European Higher Education Area

All degrees offered by the school agree with the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) since 2012, in order to establish a comparable system of university qualifications in Europe among all participating countries. Old study programs are progressively being replaced by bachelor's and master's degrees.

Esther Real is the director of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering since October 2020. The list of former directors is as follows:

  • Esther Real (2020-present day)
  • Pedro Díez (2016-2020)
  • Sebastià Olivella (2012-2016)
  • Antonio Huerta (2007-2012)
  • Francesc Robusté (2004-2007)
  • Joan Ramon Casas (2001-2004)
  • Antonio Aguado (1997-2001)
  • Benjamín Suárez (1994-1997)
  • Jesús Carrera (1992-1994)
  • Antonio Marí (1989-1992)
  • Eugenio Oñate (1983-1989)
  • Juan Murcia (1982-1983)
  • Eduardo Alonso (1979-1982)
  • José Antonio Torroja (1973-1979)