
Marine Science & Technologies

Bachelor's Degree

The Bachelor's Degree in Marine Science & Technologies offers a comprehensive study of the marine environment as a whole, based on the tools and technologies of the 21st century. This degree allows delving into 4 large areas of knowledge regarding the marine and coastal environment, such as oceanography, marine technologies and biotechnologies, the conservation and sustainable management of marine resources and the effects of climate change.

We live in a world expected to undergo great changes, both climatic and demographic, at a much greater rate than it has done so far in its history. That is why in the near future, society must face problems and challenges, mostly unknown, that will require professionals who can offer innovative and sustainable solutions.

At the end of the Degree in Marine Sciences and Technologies you will be one step ahead of traditional marine sciences, contributing scientific-technological knowledge and a combined vision of field, laboratory and assessment tools.

Academic year starts September
Duration 4 years
Study load 240 ECTS (including the bachelor's thesis)
Delivery On-campus
Language Catalan & Spanish
Places 60
Official degree Bachelor's Degree in Marine Science & Technologies by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (recorded in the Spanish Ministry of Education's degree register)
Organisation This bachelor's degree is taught at Polytechnic School of Engineering of Vilanova i la Geltrú (EPSEVG), Barcelona School of Agricultural Engineering (ESAB) and Barcelona School of Civil Engineering (ETSECCPB).


We recommend for applicants to have completed high-school courses in science and technology and have the following characteristics:

  • Strong knowledge in basic physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and geology.
  • Basic computer science (office IT and basic mathematical and statistical calculation programs).
  • Basic English language studies.
  • Interest in the relationship between science, society and technology.
  • Communication skills to interact with diverse social agents and transmit ideas and knowledge, both to specialised and non-specialised audiences in the field of marine science and technologies.
  • Social, environmental and ethical awareness.
  • Ability to integrate the knowledge taught in the different disciplines offered within the degree.

Means of admission

Find all the information on the different means of admission to the bachelor's degree.


To access the degree studies of Barcelona School of Civil Engineering, you must obtain a place through the university pre-enrolment procedure of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

You can check all the information regarding university pre-registration through the University Admission site.

Cut-off mark and grade improvement

The cut-off mark for the 2022-2023 academic year is 6.452.

Please check the Generalitat de Catalunya's Department of Universities and Research site for more information on the cut-off marks for former years.

You can also check the courses that will improve your admission grades.

Career opportunities

  • Integrated management of coastal areas (marine and coastal resources).
  • Maritime and coastal management in the public administration.
  • Consulting on marine and coastal topics.
  • Ports.
  • Development of devices, sensors and infrastructure for measuring and monitoring the sea.
  • Planning and optimisation of social and economic activities (and their impact) involving seas and coasts.
  • Maritime service companies and their adaptation to environmental regulations.
  • Environmental impact studies in marine environments and studies on marine pollution, the maintenance of the quality of seawater, and climate change and its effects on seas and coasts.
  • Renewable marine energies.
  • Aquaculture.
  • Offshore oil and gas platforms.
  • Fishing and extraction of other marine resources.
  • Desalinisation of seawater to produce drinking water.
  • Teaching and research.

Learning objectives

This bachelor's degree is designed to build the scientific and technical professional skills needed to carry out research and provide advice on environmental and climate topics and on the impact of economic and social activities on the marine environment and coasts (ethical, responsible and sustainable use of marine resources, characterisation of coasts, climate change and its impact on the marine environment and coasts, etc.). It is also designed for the education of other scientists and specialists and of society in general on activities related to basic and applied marine sciences and technologies, their development and their dissemination.

You can choose one of two majors:

  • Marine Sciences and Engineering

    You will receive multidisciplinary training that will enable you to deal with the main problems and challenges faced by coasts in the near future in a range of development and climate change scenarios.

  • Marine Technologies

    This major focuses on applied technologies for observation, remote sensing and exploration using marine robots, which are essential for monitoring coastal bodies of water and obtaining the data needed to control human activities in the marine environment involving the exploitation of marine and coastal resources.

Print version



First year
Fall semester
250550 - Environmental physics 6
250551 - Environmental chemistry 6
250552 - Environmental biology 6
250553 - Fundamentals of geology 6
250554 - Fundamentals of mathematics for environmental science 6
Spring semester
250555 - Marine environment physics 6
250556 - Marine environment chemistry 6
250557 - Marine environment biology 6
250558 - Geology & coastal geomorphology 6
250559 - Fundamentals of mathematics for environmental science 1 6
Second year
Fall semester
250560 - Coastal water cycle & continental transfer to the sea 6
250561 - Marine physical-chemical processes 6
250562 - Environmental statistics 6
250563 - Marine environmental impact 6
250564 - Fundamentals of mathematics for environmental science 2 6
Spring semester
250565 - Geographical information systems & GNSS 6
250566 - Marine ecology, ecosystems & productive processes 6
250567 - Statistical methods in marine sciences 6
250568 - Marine pollution. Sources, transport & impacts 6
250569 - Mathematics in marine science 6
Third year
Fall semester
250570 - Planetary scale circulation of the atmosphere and ocean 6
250571 - Bio-geo-chemical global cycles 6
250572 - Ocean biological processes 6
250573 - Marine geodynamics 6
250574 - Computational analyses & smart solutions tools 6
Spring semester
250575 - Instrumentation & data analysis in marine sciences 6
250576 - Experimental techniques in laboratory & field 6
250577 - Integral modelling of marine systems 6
250578 - Remote sensing & sensors 6
250579 - Live, renewable & non-renewable marine resources 6
Fourth year
Fall semester
250580 - Coastal infrastructures. Impact & integral management 6
250581 - Coastal hydromorphodynamics 6
250582 - Climate change. Impacts on the marine environment & coastal zone 6
250583 Prediction & risk models for the management of the coastal zone 6
250585 - Marine renewable energies 6
250586 - Project design & evaluation in engineering & marine sciences 6
250587 - Marine survey, acoustics & sonar systems 6
250588 - Instrumentation, marine robotics & power systems 6
250589 - Platforms, observatories & technologies of marine materials 6
250590 - Technologies for sustainable aquaculture production 6
250592 - Data management: Communications, programming & simulation 6
Spring semester
250584 - Ecology & physiology of aquatic organisms 6
250591 - Engineering in aquaculture projects 6
Fall & spring semester
Bachelor's thesis 18

Students admitted to the Bachelor's Degree in Marine Science & Technologies can access the information on:


The Bachelor's Thesis is an original exercise to be done individually and presented and defended before a university panel consisting in a project in the sphere of the specific civil engineering synthesising and integrating the competences acquired on the course.

Internal resources

The UPC owns several boats for teaching purposes, such as:

  • 1 Belliure ketch school, with Volvo Penta MD 22P motor
  • 1 lateen sailing boat
  • 3 topsailing boats
  • 3 470-class sailing boat
  • 2 Vaurien-class sailing boat
  • 1 Zodiac inflatable boat
  • 1 "RISSAGA" BCN 3.0m inflatable boat
  • 1 TAYLOR "Minimal" sailing boat, and 2 moorings on Vilanova i la Geltrú harbour
External resources & services

Furthermore, in order to carry out the sea-related research and lab activities scheduled by the different schools involved in the degree, we use the services of the following sailing companies:

  • Barcelona: Proa Nautic, Cemesa, Litoral Consult, Portsub, Instalsub, Barca de pesca "Los Parrones", Barca d'inspecció de pesca de la Generalitat, la Lluerna, etc.
  • Vilanova: Pneumatic Boat Center S.L., Vilanova Gran Marina, Club Náutico Vilanova, AurumYacht, X2 Yachts,S.L., Oceanos Escuela de Buceo Profesional S.L., InstalSub, Germans Bardi VnG, S.L., Stecma (Estudios Técnicos y Maquinaria S.L.), Dofi Blau, TECNUR Tecnología Urbana Costera S.L., Indústria Nàutica Catalana S.L., Navegar y Pescar CMC S.L., 4all Divers SCP
  • Tarragona: Semac
  • Cambrils: Fishing boat called "Kranki"
  • L'Ampolla: IRTA
  • L'Ametlla: Fishing boat called "Virgen de la Misericordia", Sea Fish Charter
  • Sant Carles: Embarcacions Badía Alfacs
  • Blanes: CEAB-CSIC, Blanes-SUB
Other resources & services

Detailed information on the resources and services of the other two schools involved in this degree are available at their own websites

This program has been awarded the following quality label: