
Internships - Academic requirements

Mandatory general terms and conditions 

  • Complete the enrollment for the current course and/or the corresponding four-month period during the internship period.
  • Have passed 120 ECTS in the case of Bachelor's degree students.
  • Be covered by school insurance for as long as the agreement is in force. If you are under 28 years old, the insurance is already included in the enrolment process. If you are over 28 years of age, you must take out private insurance for this purpose. The UPC can provide you with a private insurance policy.
  • Do not have a regular contractual relationship with the company where you want to do the internship.
  • If you are a non-Spanish national, you must have a NIE/TIE 
  • Students will have to provide his or her social security number to the company and the University in order to be registered.
  • The agreement must be finalized one week before the defense of the thesis.
  • In case of curricular internships, the number of hours must be a multiple of 30 (30 hours worked = 1 credit)
  • The lowest number of hours of an agreement is 180 hours.
  • The weekly dedication recommended by the Regulations for extracurricular placements is that indicated in the specific conditions of each Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Specific conditions of Bachelor's degrees

Civil Engineering
(former 2010 program)
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering
(former 2017 program)
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree
Grau en Enginyeria d'Obres Públiques
(former program)
  • Mandatory extracurricular internships
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree
Civil Engineering
(2020 program)
  • Curricular optional practices
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree
chelor's Degree Marine Science & Technologies
  • Curricular optional practices
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree
Environmental Engineering
  • Curricular optional practices
  • Total hours by Bachelor's degree

Specific conditions of Master's degrees

Master's Degree in Civil Engineering
MECCP with access from GEC10 i BDCE17
MECCP resta d'estudiants
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering
  • Curriculars
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's Degree in Numerical Methods in Engineering
  • Curriculars
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's Degree in Structural & Construction Engineering
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's Degree in Geotechnical Engineering
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's degree in Sustainability Science and Technology
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Master's degree in Urban Mobility
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Double Master's Degree in Mining Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Double Master's Degree in Sustainability Science and Technology + Sustainable Intervention in the Built Environmentït
  • Extracurricular internships in the academic year
  • Total by degree
Erasmus Mundus Master's degree

Please contact us by email

1 The total number of hours of internships that can be done in a teaching period must comply with the following requirements:

[(M*30) / 15] + P < 72h weekly


  • M are the credits enrolled in the semester without taking into account the credits of the TFM, and
  • P are the number of hours weekly of practice during the teaching period.

2 The agreements by semester must necessarily have the following end dates according to enrolment:

  • Enrolment Q1: 10th February
  • Enrolment Q2: 15th September


