Accreditation certificates

AQU Certificate

AQUThe Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia, AQU Catalunya, evaluates Catalan studies, centers, services and university institutions. Since 2011, the agency focuses its evaluation activity on the verification, modification, monitoring and accreditation of official degrees.

In order to provide the Catalan university system with a differentiating element that allows it to position itself nationally and internationally, the Board of Directors of AQU Catalunya, in July 8th 2014, approved the creation of the following quality seals: FAVORABLE and EXCELLENT.

In the framework of the process of accreditation of degrees, schools can decide if they also want to voluntarily evaluate what are called additional dimensions, such as INTERNATIONALIZATION, which shows that the design of the degree facilitates the acquisition of skills that favor the academic and professional development in international environments, that the faculty has international academic experience and active participation in international networks and that allows the mobility of students and faculty.

ASIIN Certificate

 ASIINCertificate awarded by the German Agency for the Accreditation of Engineering, Computer Science, Natural Sciences and Mathematics Programs (ASIIN - Akkreditierungsagentur für Studiengänge der Ingenieurwissenschaften, der Informatik, der Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik).

The study programs are accredited according to the requirements and principles of the ASIIN for the evaluation of programs of study and in agreement with the pertinent national organisms and the European directives (the European standards and normative of the ENQA). The requirements are complemented by specific ASIIN criteria for each of the areas covered by the agency, which have been designed to guide the creation of new study programs. The responsibility and definition of the objectives of these programs fall on the centers that teach them, thus expressing their orientation strategy, student profile and integration in the social framework.

EUR-ACE® Certificate

 The EUR-ACE® seal (EURopean ACcredited Engineer) is the European quality seal for undergraduate and master's degrees in engineering awarded by the quality and accreditation agencies authorized by the ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education).

The EUR-ACE® seal is a certificate that provides a set of criteria to identify, in Europe and internationally, high-quality engineering degrees. The EUR-ACE® criteria define the learning outcomes of engineering degrees, such as the knowledge, skills and attitudes required of engineering graduates.

These criteria incorporate the point of view and perspective of the main agents of interest and take into account the variety of engineering degrees that are necessary to access the profession of engineer in Europe.