Application for Master's Degree in Numerical Metohds in Engineering line Computational Mechanics Fill in this form to apply for the master's admission if you want to attend the first year at UPC. You will receive the result of the selection by email after the Academic Committee's assessment. Download here the documents checklist to upload in the form. Attention. You will not receive acknowledgement of receipt. Personal details and documents are automatically filed. First name 1st last name 2nd last name Correo electrónico Check that the address is correct 1. Type of ID Passport European Union ID National ID ID number This ID number will be included in the documents Identity card upload 2. University of choice for second year of study Universitat Politècnica de Calalunya (Barcelona, Spain) - Swansea University (Swansea, UK) Universitat Politècnica de Calalunya (Barcelona, Spain) - Stuttgart University (Stuttgart, Germany) Universitat Politècnica de Calalunya (Barcelona, Spain) - Università di Padova (Padova, Italy) There are 3 options to choose first-year at UPC. Please select one of the below combinations according to your preferences for your second year. You can check the itineraries on the master's website ( link Computational Mechanics Programme. NOTE: Please note that successful applicants will not be guaranteed their choices, but we will endeavour to place students at their preferred choices. The students scoring the highest marks in the application process will be given priority in the allocations. 3. Access degree I have the degree I have not yet obtained my degree Indicate if you have the Bachelor's degree. If you don't have it yet, write the estimated date in the "Remarks" field. Remarks Degree upload Upload the Diploma (or the receipt/certificate of the Diploma) 4. Official transcript of records It is compulsory to submit this document for the assessment of the admission criteria. If you have not finished your studies, submit the certificate with the courses you have already passed Remarks Transcript of records upload 5. Curriculum Vitae (CV) Presenting your CV is required (open-format) Remarks CV upload 6. Documentation translation Translation not necessary (the documents are in Spanish, Catalan or English) I am uploading the translation in this form I do not have the translation yet Upload a translation of the degree and transcript if the original is not in Spanish, Catalan or English. Upload the documents in a single PDF file. Remarks Degree and transcript translation upload Upload the translations in a single PDF 7. Statement by the Spanish Ministry of Education of the student's GPA (required for non-Spanish universities) My diploma is from a Spanish university I'm uploading the certificate in this form See instructions on how to obtain this certificate on the master's website: (link documentation). Remarks Certificate upload 8. Certificate of English level B2, or higher I am uploading the English certificate in this form I don't have the English certificate yet Required for enrolment in the master's degree in Numerical Methods in Engineering. If you don't have it yet, write the estimated date in the "Remarks" field. Remarks English certificate upload Upload the certificate in a single PDF file. Filename: Surname_Name_Document (eg. SMITH_JOHN_ English) 9. Letter of Motivation Open-format 10. Letters of Recommendation Please upload the letters of recommendation in one PDF file (at least two letters) Data protection information Yes, I accept that the UPC treats my personal data according to the following requirements on data protection. DATA PROTECTION INFORMATION 1. Responsibility for the treatment: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech. Rector of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech. Calle Jordi Girona 31, Building R, 08038 Barcelona. 2. Contact details of the data protection delegate: 3. Purposes of the treatment: F01.4 Admission, registration, assessment and management of students' academic records ( 4. Legitimation: Treatment is necessary to fulfill a mission carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of public powers. Organic Law 6/2001, dated December 21st, at Universities. 5. Recipients: No data will be transferred to third parties, except in case of legal obligation. 6. Rights of the people: Request access, rectification or deletion, limitation of treatment. Oppose the treatment. Portability of data ( 7. Conservation period: While necessary for any of the purposes described in our conservation policy (óde-les-dades-de-caracter-personal). 8. Claim: When the exercise of your rights has not been satisfied, you can file a complaint with the APDCAT: Submit Restart Important: Remember to press the "SUBMIT" button to send this form.