

3D models & risc reduction, is it possible?

Obtaining very high resolution 3D models of the terrain in dangerous areas allows us to improve data quality and reduce personal and geological risks.

Floods and movements of natural slopes, such as landslides, are the geological risks with the greatest economic and social impact in Catalonia (and pretty much everywhere where volcanism or seismicity do not play a relevant role). Drones are a new tool that allows us to obtain high-resolution 3D models of the terrain in dangerous areas, improving data quality and reducing the risk for those of us involved in geological hazards.

We will show some of the methodologies we use since the autonomous flight of the drone is programmed and the taking of photographs, the generation of the 3D model, and how we work the data, for instance, to identify unstable rock masses and make stability studies, to monitor and understand how a landslide behaves, or use very high resolution models of the terrain to perform flood simulations and be able to design risk mitigation measures.

Applications of computer simulations to engineering

Talk in which the advances made at Barcelona School of Civil Engineering - UPC-BarcelonaTech in the field of computer simulation for engineering projects will be presented.

Simulation, today, is an indispensable tool for design in engineering and allows predictions in a wide variety of fields.

We will see examples and applications related to tsunami and landslide simulation, dam design, as well as simulations in biomedicine and health applications, environmental simulations to optimize the operation of astronomical telescopes, vehicle aerodynamics and other industrial applications.